Entrepreneur and human rights activist Claudia Contepresented the Women for Justice art exhibition in support of women in war yesterday in Rome, on a symbolic date as November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
The exhibition, which has already been presented in Milan under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture, the Embassy of Ukraine and Rai for Sustainability, focuses full attention on women who day in and day out have to fight to see their rights protected. Even the primary ones, related to existence itself.
Think of Iran, but also Afghanistan, or Ukraine battered by the war unleashed by the Russian invasion: there are numerous contexts scattered across the planet in which the mere fact of being a woman can expose one to serious risks.
The exhibition, which Conte designed and organized in collaboration with Roma Capitale as part of the initiative “The Island That Wasn’t There,” was donated to the 14th City Hall, Santa Maria della Pietà, Europe’s largest former psychiatric hospital.
The exhibition itinerary, curated by anthropologist Francesca Grisot, includes a tribute to the mourning of Ukrainian women with the works of photographer Tetyana Erhart, followed by those of four Afghan women artists (Fatimah Hossaini, Roya Heydari, Tahmina Alizada and filmmaker Sahraa Karimi) who tell, through their shots, an Afghan woman quite far from traditional stereotypes. Among the works on display is an impressive tapestry made by young artist Sebastiano Furlotti, entitled For Whom the Bell Tolls.
To offer a large number of people the opportunity to view the works and contribute to the enhancement of an urban area of great historical importance, Claudia Conte decided to donate the entire exhibition to Roma Capitale, making the presence of the works at Santa Maria della Pietà permanent.
On Nov. 25 at 6 p.m., ahead of the official opening of Women for Justice, a panel discussion was held, live on Radio Radicale, at Binario F from Facebook, Meta’s digital skills hub. Claudia Conte herself moderated the speeches.

After the welcome by the Undersecretary for Culture Vittorio Sgarbi and of Claudia Trivilino, public policy manager Meta, speeches by Monica Lucarelli, councillor for Security Policies, Equal Opportunities and Productive Activities of Roma Capitale, Silvia Salis, vice-president CONI, Parisa Nazari, Iranian cultural mediator, Shahrbanu Haidari, president of the Women’s Solidarity Association for Afghan Women.
Also present were Oksana Amdzhadin, minister of the Embassy of Ukraine in Italy; Paola Radaelli, president of Unione Nazionale Vittime (UNAVI); Angela Tibaldi, PTS GROUP advisor and VP PTS; Andrea Catizone, legal advisor gender equality, diversity & inclusion; and Anita Falcetta, president Women Of Change Italia.
Final greetings by Paolo Vicchiarello, DG Mission Structure for the enhancement of major anniversaries of the Presidency of the Council, which sponsored the initiative.