OLGA KENT from the catwalks to the movies

Fashion Life cover star Olga Kent, Moldavian, class of ’88, a model by profession, as well as one of the most sought-after faces on the catwalks,
does not neglect what is his passion for film.
At only 17, Olga’s path was already very clear when she won the title of “Miss Transnistria.” Upon completion of high school, he enrolled in college to become an interior designer. But after a year he left everything to move first to Romania and then to Italy, where he began a career in the world of
fashion, a few steps to make it so land in the Italian fashion capital “Milan.” Olga has walked the runways of the most famous designers and lent her face to major advertising campaigns.
But her popularity does not stop there: from starring on the photo shoot, she also made her television debut with “Colorado” in 2013, alongside Paolo Ruffini, and then later had the opportunity to be chosen as the female lead in “Brain Escape” (2013), a remake of a similarly titled Spanish film, “Fuga de cerebros, directed by Fernando González Molina.
Various also appeared on the big screen such as in the cinepanettone “Christmas Vacation in Cortina” and also appeared in some Italian TV series, such as “Don Matteo,” “Che Dio ci aiuti” and “Rocco Schiavone.”
Big milestone also reached for Olga recently to be featured in the cast of the Swedish action film ” Last Man Down.”


“Fashion Life cover star Olga Kent,
Moldavian, class of ’88, model by profession, as well as being among the most sought-after faces on the catwalks,
He does not neglect what is his passion for film.”

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